dimanche, septembre 30, 2007

Music Update !

Hi everyone !
I made a little playlist update to the player on the right, so if you ever feel like taking a musical tour of what I like, just click on play ;)

(I disactivated the autoplay option due to anonymous complaints from grumpy neighbours)

Cheers from above!

PS: the appartment finding doesn't work too good for the moment, I might need to sweat and swear some more before we have a party alltogether at my place...

mercredi, septembre 19, 2007

Like my new place? ;)

Well me too!

Sorry guys, just a joke, besides, this place is not half as cool as the one I imagine to be my ideal place, so cheer up! One day I will rule the world and have a nice place to live in, and you will all be my guests!

Why talk about about paradisiac places to live in you might ask?
Because I am actually struggling to find a place of my own (yes I do live at my parent's for now, something I ought to make a part of my past real quick). Looking for an appartment is not a pleasant thing, oh no, abit depressing too, but each visit is an occasion to get better at seducing the owners: a tad of humor here, a touch of seduction there, smart clothes and a big smile makes your chances of succeeding significantly increase (or you think it does).
Today I visited a nice place near Morges (not far from Lausanne for those of you who don't know the place), seems I took a good start with the owner, next step I will double cross my fingers and pray to get it through all the steps 'till the final victory.

Take care people, hopefully next time you'll be able to come to something called "MY PLACE".

And now, MUSIC!

Kate Nash - Foundations

lundi, septembre 03, 2007

Test 1-2...

Just for testing purpose, does this video thing work?
Let's see...
This is one of my favorite's of the moment, enjoy! ;)

Hifana - Wamono