Happy Birthday!
I grew old today (ouch!), it was a nice day filled with happy moments and smiles :D
Lately I am quite into putting bits and stuff together for making small mechanical / electronic projects for fun.
It didn't go unnoticed as I received presents related to my DIY interest of the moment.
I received a full set of hand tools from my family to build my stuff, how macho can that be! (for a moment I really depicted myself like the construction worker in the village people)
Frankly that was a present I didn't expect to get, but it's really cool because these tools comes really handy when you are into the RC car hobby and that you have to make a Mac Guyver-like on-the-fly reparation to your favorite toy (or pin a nail in the wall to hang a picture).
Good day completed, happy me.
Next I will tell you more about how I managed to get injured and sued Black&Decker for not telling me it was dangerous to eat spagetti's with an electric screwdriver, 'till then I bid you good luck in your individual lives ;)
Cheers & love from above.
you should also know that picking your nails with a driller is a no-no.
P.S. I found out about monkey majik here because the two guys are Canadians (and candadians love canadians that do things), def made me want to know more japanese.
I will try not to forget that, oh so many things you can't do in life, how boring!
what tkind of music do you like?
I am quite fond of japanese electro music lately, if you like electro/jazz, I strongly recommend you the album "Jazztronica!!" from Jazztronic, Fantastic Plastic Machine makes fun and excellent music and Hifana does cool stuff, although a little too experimental sometimes (listen to "Wamono", it's a little disturbing at first, but it gets better and better as you listen to it, watch the clip!)
HAPPY BRTHDAY even if it is a little bit late.. you do know me...
Indeed, I am not the type to be really precise on anniversary days anyway, it wouldn't surprise me if I missed my own birthday!
oh yeah...happy belated birthday ( I suck sorry)
Happy Birthday Bouddha! I wanted to call you on Sunday but it totally slipped my mind... Tell me, can I call you at home (parents) this week-end? If not, please send me an email with your phone number!
Best luck with your 28th year of life :)
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