It's been a really long time since I last wrote something on this poor lonesome blog.
In fact, it's been so long that I almost forgot my login AND password, lucky for me I always put 1234 for a password, or else I was toast (no, do NOT try to force my mail address, and personnal electronic world).
As you can see I am alive and quite well I must say!
Last Weekend I was at the Role Playing convention (also known as Orcidée), bought new dices, fed on pasta and pizzas and had a part in a "gay slasher movie RPG" (unique experience), in witch I was the only victim, it seems.
Life could be worse.
later that night:
"Girl dont go away, I love you, you know that! This was only for fun, yeah we had fun with a couple of friends, it doesn't mean that... Yeah there were more male than female so what!? Oh come on cut it out and let me expl...
Man... she left.
I will never understand girls..."
Sorry for the interruption, nothing important really *sigh*.
Oh yeah, so I was saying that I had loads of fun with my beloved mates last weekend, as we say in France: "ça ROXE !"
For another news: My contract with Medtronic sadly ends end of April, that means I have to find another job, that SUX but one can hardly fight the power of stock options (the real growth of the market was way beneath the expected results = no more job for Bouddha). Anyway, I've been learning a lot of interesting stuff there, the team I am in is hyper cool and efficient, and it lasted a year, witch was quite unexpected as my first contract was for 2 months.
As I prepare my leaving I sometimes feel a bit nostalgic of the place, I will miss my co-workers and my boss that's for sure (and the sexy ladies who always seem to work in the financial departments).
I am now looking (with determination) for my next job, and hope something will pop-up out of the sea of CV's I am sending, you never know, I might become bar-tender or secretary for a change...
I must now stop this insanity and close this post, because they are watching, they know what we think, they even know what YOU did last summer!
(Beware or the priest)
Thank you all for your support and love, you make me feel alive and make life better by the day.
Hugs & Kisses from Above.
ahhhhhh, enfin!!!!!!! Ce fut long!Mais l'attente ne fut pas vaine cela dit! bien contente d'avoir de tes nouvelles et je croise les doigts pour toi pour ce qui est de la recherche de job.
nous on a super (trop) chaud ici. ca fait trois jours qu'on frole les 40°C à l'ombre et il parait que ca va être comme ca encore un petit moment.. jusqu'à maitenant on l'avait évité mais là....
bon allez je te laisse! une petite prière a toi dans le temple juste à côté! bisous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello Wendy!
Eh oui, même moi je fais quelque fois un effort pour donner des nouvelles (et c'est pas souvent)
Merci pour les encouragements.
De ton côté non plus tu n'as pas l'air de t'ennuyer au Laos, je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de lire tout ce que j'avais raté mais ça a l'air d'être une vie bien remplie!
Bon courage ma grande, reviens-nous vite pour nous raconter toutes tes fabuleuses histoires!
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