mardi, mai 15, 2007

Hello lads!

Things have been going quite smoothely lately, I'm feeling chilled to the bone and that's great!
Yesterday I couldn't prevent myself from buying a bunch of japanese audio CDs on play asia, It didn't come cheap, but it was damn too tempting, I am quite a lot into Japanese music lately and I was thinking of sharing some with you through streaming. Bad news is: I don't understand a single thing when it comes to anything close to programming.
Ah well, maybe one day I will come accross something simple to do that, we'll see.

Here is a little link to show you that we, Japanese people, rock too!

Take care people!


Blogger Wotan said...

sweet dude, you don't by any chance have anything from Monkey Majik,Seamo, Beenie K and Mo-Flow?

23/5/07 20:48  
Blogger Bouddha said...

I found out about the Yoshida brothers and Monkey Majik not long ago, in fact I downloaded some of their stuff but felt a little disappointed about Monkey Majik as it sounded too european on the whole.
I do not know about the other artists you mentionned but I will take a look at that for sure!
Thanks for the tips!

30/5/07 20:55  

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